Thank You
Over the past few months, we’ve set out on a journey together and without question it’s been one heck of a ride and truly an honor. I’ve met so many great people and made a number of new friends. I’ve heard firsthand from you about issues that concern you and I have listened.
Together we will find the solutions needed to improve our state. Today’s election results are just the beginning and I give you my word that I will serve you in a manner that will bring honor and dignity to our district and state.
I have so many people I need to thank for their support during our campaign. First and foremost, I want to thank God for His guidance during this race. I also want to thank Ashley and my son for the love and unwavering support they’ve shown me. My family was so crucial in so many ways that it would be impossible to list everything they’ve done, thank you.
But this victory took a lot more than just my immediate family. I am so fortunate to have such a long list of volunteers who answered the bell and never let me down. I appreciate it more than you can ever imagine. And to the voters of district 13, I say thank you for putting your trust in me. I will strive every day to continue to earn that trust.
Tonight is just the first step in a journey that we’ve embarked on together and I have no doubt that with your help we will achieve many great things for years to come. With your help we were able to swing the momentum towards commonsense conservatism. We will ride this momentum into the state capitol and fight for the kind of representative government that our constitution guarantees us all.
Tonight is not just a victory for me, but a victory for all of us and for the future of our district and state. So thank you so much for everything and may God continue to bless us all.
Thank you…
Jonathan Wingard

Statement Regarding Senate Bill 1218
As a candidate for state senate running against Greg McCortney in Senate District 13, I believe strongly in the right of all law-abiding citizens to defend themselves, their loved ones, and their property. The most effective and efficient defensive tool available is the firearm. For this reason, I responsibly own many, and regularly train in their use.
If I were serving as a senator today, I would proudly vote for Senate Bill 1218. This bill clarifies law pertaining to the threat or use of force to protect people and property. It brings law in line with rights explicitly enshrined in Article 2, Section 26 of the Oklahoma State Constitution, and in doing so reflects the values and common-sense perspective of Oklahomans. It also takes a crucial step toward ensuring those adults aged 18, 19, or 20 who are old enough to serve and die in defense of our country are not denied the same rights enjoyed by all other adult Americans. As recognized in a recent federal court case, the prohibition against these young adults purchasing handguns is clearly unconstitutional. Ending this injustice is long overdue.
Greg McCortney has proven time and again that he does not share this same perspective. As Senate Majority Floor Leader, he has abused his power to unilaterally block these and other enhancements to self-defense laws in past years. As is his custom, he turns our representative democracy on its head by denying widely popular legislation a full and fair vote by all duly elected senators on the Senate floor. These are bills, like SB 1218, that would pass with overwhelming support if not blocked from a vote by King McCortney. With the help of the voters in District 13, I aim to put an end to his reign on June 18.
His opposition to strengthening self-defense laws is particularly ironic in light of his actions exposing good Oklahomans to more danger. He recently made it clear he believes too many criminals are in prison while again unilaterally killing legislation that would ensure those convicted of accessory to murder serve more than a mere fraction of their imposed sentences. Greg McCortney believes there are too many offenders in prison, while I believe there are too many offenders in our communities who should be in prison.
America’s hardened approach to crime in the early 1990s led to more than two decades of unprecedented decreases in violent crime. The country went from historic highs in violent crime to historic lows. This was not magic. It was because we made a conscious decision to keep dangerous offenders separated from the rest of society. Greg McCortney’s intended reversal of this policy is nothing short of tragic.
He also voted for legislation that would require issuance of Oklahoma driver licenses to the millions of illegal immigrants Joe Biden has ushered across the border. In other words, he seeks to lure these unvetted, unlawful border crossers to our neighborhoods. That he does not recognize the irony of his actions may be the most telling thing about how he represents our district.

Statement Regarding Senate Bill 426 WEF/UN
Ada, OK- Jonathan Wingard, candidate for senate district 13, has been contacted by potential future constituents with an outpouring of support for SB426 which if passed, would deny the World Health Organization (WHO), World Economic Forum (WEF) and United Nations (UN) any jurisdiction in the state of Oklahoma, causing him to speak up in favor of this critical bill.
SB426 is especially pressing due to the expected upcoming passage of the WHO Pandemic Agreement and International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments at the World Health Assembly May 27-June 1, 2024. The current White House administration has already stated support for the expansion of WHO’s authority and intent to unilaterally commit the United States to these unconstitutional agreements.
SB426 has already passed the Oklahoma House 72-21 and has large support in the Oklahoma Senate with 13 co-authors. There is also large constituent support as shown in 1/3 of the delegates to the recent Oklahoma GOP convention signed a petition urging majority floor leader, Greg McCortney, to bring SB426 to the senate floor for a vote, but as of this date, he has not done so.
“I am running to carry the voice of the people into the legislature,” commented Wingard. “I wholeheartedly support the passage of SB426 and strongly encourage our Oklahoma Senate to hear and pass this necessary and widely supported bill.”

Statement Regarding Senate Bill 503
Ada, OK- Jonathan Wingard -- "Greg McCortney Refuses to Protect Children from the Left’s Sexually Explicit Deviance"
SB 503 is a bill pending in the State Legislature that protects Oklahoma’s children from public displays of lewd acts and obscene material the radical left is so intent on foisting upon them. The only reason it is not law is because Greg McCortney, acting as king once again, refuses to allow the bill to the Senate floor for a public vote by all 48 duly elected senators. As Majority Floor Leader, unilateral denial of floor votes is McCortney’s weapon of choice against conservative policy and the good citizens of the state. He is the left’s favorite tool.
This critically important bill protecting children has had two separate committee hearings in the Senate. In the two hearings 23 of 23 republican senators voted to support the bill and 7 of 7 democrats predictably voted to oppose it. In addition, three other senators who are not members of those two committees are signed on as authors of the bill. This means 26 of 26 republican senators who have taken a recorded position on SB 503 support it. Once again, McCortney has demonstrably chosen to stand with the radical left minority and ignore his entire republican caucus.
In 2020, Oklahoma gave President Donald Trump the largest share of the vote of any state in the country. It should be passing the most conservative policy as a result. It is not because Greg McCortney unilaterally blocks all of the most important conservative legislation of our day. He is working to make our state more like New York, Massachusetts, or California than the freedom-loving land the citizens want it to be.
By blocking a Senate floor vote of SB 503, McCortney is proving that he is not part of the problem, he is the problem. While he votes for bills giving illegal border crossers Oklahoma driver licenses, he is failing to support legislation that protects our most vulnerable citizens – our children.
My candidacy is about permanently removing Greg McCortney from the public realm. The state will be much better and stronger with his removal. With the help of the good voters of District 13, I aim to remind him that he is not king. We resolved that matter back in 1776.